Staff, Consultants & Advisors
CHE Staff
Haleigh Cavalier, MPH
Science Communications Fellow
Lianna Hartmour, MA, NBC-HWC
Program & Communications Director, Zero Breast Cancer
Matt Lilley, MS
Science Writer
Rachel Massey, ScD
Senior Science and Policy Advisor
Rhea Patney
Science Communications Intern
Kristin Schafer, MA
Alyssa Te, MPH
Science Communications Manager
Advisory Team
Sekai Chideya, MD, MPH
Program Director, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health*
Steve Heilig, MPH
Associate Executive Director, San Francisco Medical Society; Senior Research Associate, Commonweal
Polly Hoppin, ScD
Research Professor Emerita, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Sarah Howard, MS
Program Manager, Healthy Environment and Endocrine Disruptor Strategies (HEEDS)
Audrey Tran Lam, MPH
Environmental Health Program Manager, UNI Center for Energy & Environmental Education
Sharyle Patton
Director, Commonweal Biomonitoring Resource Center; Co-Coordinator, EDCs Strategies Partnership
Ted Schettler, MD, MPH
Science Director, Science and Environmental Health Network
Oren Slozberg
Commonweal Executive DIrector, Co-Director Healing Circles Global
Catherine Thomsen, MPH
Julia Varshavsky, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Environmental Health, Northeastern University
Additional Advisors
Richard Jackson, MD, MPH
Professor Emeritus at the Fielding School of Public Health at the University of California, Los Angeles
Génon Jensen
Executive Director, Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL); Co-Coordinator, EDC Strategies Partnership, Co-coordinator, CHE Climate Change ScienceServ
Michael Lerner, PhD
President, Commonweal; Co-founder CHE
Pamela K. Miller, PhD
Executive Director, Alaska Community Action on Toxics; Coordinator, CHE-Alaska Partnership (CHE-AK)
Nsedu Obot Witherspoon, MPH
Executive Director, Children’s Environmental Health Network (CEHN)
Administrative services are provided by Commonweal, where CHE's organizational headquarters is located. Commonweal is a health and environmental research institute based in Bolinas, California.
Collaborative for Health & Environment
PO Box 316
Bolinas, California 94924