Post category: chronic disease
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Cancer and Chemicals
Like most cancer researchers, I was initially quite skeptical of the importance of environmental factors in causing cancer. But several years ago, the President’s Cancer Panel, of which I was a member, did a year-long study of this issue, which dramatically changed my outlook. . . .
What’s new
Meet our 20 Pioneers under 40 in Environmental Public Health: Megan Latshaw, PhD
Megan Latshaw, PhD, is all about making public health work for the people. Throughout her career, she has realized public health has the potential to affect communities.
“If you think about what it is that is killing people all around the globe, it is chronic diseases and, as we know, most chronic diseases are not infectious. The Human Genome Project has not provided the key to unlocking chronic disease; I think environmental health and epigenetics is the next frontier in figuring out how we can make the world a healthier place,” Dr. Latshaw shares. . . .