Black Lives Matter

June 8, 2020

CHE is deeply saddened, appalled, and angered by the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and countless other lives that have been lost due to violence. We condemn these acts of violence and stand with Black people in solidarity. Black Lives Matter. We raise our voices to demand full accountability from law enforcement for the murder of George Floyd and for the end of police brutality. Since this country was formed, Black people have had their lives repeatedly taken, threatened, and impacted by the systemic racist structures in our society. As individuals, families, communities, organizations, and as a country we must address institutional racism at all levels.

We also call for an increased fight for environmental justice. As public health scientists and advocates, we know that real progress on environmental health issues cannot be made without addressing systemic racism. From health and socio-economic disparities, inequitable access to healthcare, and exposure to toxic waste, hazardous chemicals and air pollution, our Black communities are fighting for their lives in ways White people will never fully understand. Racism is a public health crisis.

We must hold ourselves accountable for the change we want to see in the world. We are committed to being an organization that is a better partner and ally in the fight for racial justice. On an organizational level, CHE commits to doing more work to amplify the voices of black and minority scientists, advocates, and grassroots community-based environmental justice groups and individuals. On a personal level, we commit to listening and learning more about the struggles Black communities face and offering support to create meaningful change.

But this is just the beginning. We have a lot more work to do.


Karen Wang, PhD, Director
Hannah Donart, MPH, Program Manager
Stephanie Brinker, MPH Marketing and Communications Associate

Here are some resources, opportunities to take action, and organizations to engage with. Please let us know about others that you have found useful or that you are supporting. 


George Floyd Memorial Fund

Campaign Zero

Color of Change

NAACP Legal Defense Fund

The Bail Project

5 Calls

Black Futures Lab

Southern Poverty Law Center
