To Ban or Not to Ban: A Review of Atrazine from Both Sides of the Atlantic

December 8, 2009
12:00 pm US Eastern Time

Slides & Resources

12/14/09: EPA Atrazine Updates webpage: includes information on the upcoming atrazine reevaluation SAPs, links to the federal register notices, the dockets pertaining to each SAP, and the SAP web page.

Agricultural Health Study

A Qualitative Met-analysis Reveals Consistent Effects of Atrazine on Freshwater Fish and Amphibians by Jason R. Rohr and Krista A. McCoy

Atrazine acts in the brain to disrupt to disrupt the hormones that trigger ovulation,Enivronmental Health News, August 2009

Dr. Tyrone Hayes' website focused on atrazine

In Reversal of Bush Policy, EPA Launches New Study of Atrazine's Health Effect, by Diane Ivory,
Huffington Post, October 2009

Body of evidence shows that atrazine harms fish and amphibians, USF researchers say, by Richard Danielson, St. Petersburg Tiimes, October 2009

EPA Orders Chemical Testing for Hormone Effects, October 29, 2009

Listen to Recording

If the same science is available on both sides of the Atlantic, why would Europe choose to ban the use of atrazine while the US has not? On this call we explored this question with speakers from both Europe and the US. We discussed the findings of the Agricultural Health Study recently conducted by NIH and the EPA, looked closer at the scientific literature addressing atrazine and the implications for human health, particularly reproductive health impacts. The call concluded with a conversation with colleagues from the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) about the EU's choice to ban atrazine.

Featured Speakers

  • Jane Hoppin, ScD, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Chronic Disease Epidemiology Group
  • Jason Rohr, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of South Florida
  • Lisette van Vliet, Toxics Policy Advisor, Health and Environment Alliance
  • Tyrone Hayes, Associate Professor of Integrative Biology, University of California Berkeley

The call was moderated by Steve Heilig.